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Adarah is a special bot in White Stone owned by Riva next to storage.
Trades can be made directly to and from storage.
It has many more slots than a regular bot and much higher EMU.
It also talks warning of gargoyles in area.
Commands which are not understood will get responded with a 'witty' remark (i.e. "/Adarah help help" gets "why should I help help ?" not "command not understood".)


Extra items traded are treated as donations.


Inv - See what I am selling
Wanted - See what I am buying
Buy <quant> <item> - Start buying items!
Sell - Start selling items! (Or click on me)
Donate - You want to donate something? Thanks!
Bye - When you don't need me anymore
History - Some information on myself.
LOCation - Find out where I am located. WS Map

Extended Commands

wanted armor - Lists just armor bot wants
wanted flowers - Lists just flowers bot wants
wanted ess - Lists just essences bot wants
wanted food - Lists just food bot wants
wanted metal - Lists just metal bars bot wants
wanted minerals - Lists just minerals bot wants
wanted ore - Lists just ores bot wants
wanted other - Lists other items such as vials, leather, mines, etc


Additional Notes

Bot is finicky and occasionally freezes or goes down. Check before you go there to ensure it is active.

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